AWS Commands
Account number:
aws sts get-caller-identity \ --query 'Account' \ --output text
IP Address Ranges
AWS documentation is here.
curl -s
cat "$IpRanges" \ | jq '.prefixes[] | select(.region = "us-east-2") | .ip_prefix'
Get Region of IP
(Would be cool).
Check IP address against each CIDR range. Would be cool to do this using bit comparisons.
All regions in partition
aws ec2 describe-regions \ | jq -r ".Regions[].RegionName"
Number of regions:
echo $AllRegions | wc -w # Using wc regions=($AllRegions) # Or use an array, and echo ${#regions[*]} # print array length
All regions in all partitions
Should be in the botocore data files. Also, we can pull them from the IpRanges document. You have to decide whether "GLOBAL" is a "region" in your situation.
cat "$IpRanges" \ | jq -r '.prefixes[].region' \ | sort | uniq
Run a command in all regions
Get the number of VPCs in each region the slow and simple way.
for region in $regions; do vpcs=($(aws --region $region ec2 describe-vpcs | jq '.Vpcs[].VpcId')) echo "$region: ${#vpcs[*]}" done
Get the number of VPCs in each region the 🚀 and 😎 (and 🤮) way by starting
a subprocess for each region in parallel. Note that ${#regions[@]}
is bash
syntax for the length of the $regions
script=$(cat <<-"EOF" vpcs=($(aws --region {} ec2 describe-vpcs | jq '.Vpcs[].VpcId')) echo "{}: ${#vpcs[@]}" EOF ) regions=($regions) printf "%s\n" "${regions[@]}" \ | xargs -n 1 \ -P ${#regions[*]} \ -I {} \ bash -c "$script"
aws acm list-certificates \ --includes "keyUsage=ANY" \ | jq '.CertificateSummaryList[]'
aws acm describe-certificate \ --certificate-arn $cert_arn
aws acm get-certificate \ --certificate-arn $cert_arn
Get certificate PEM File
aws acm get-certificate \ --certificate-arn $cert_arn \ | jq -r '.Certificate' > cert.pem
For create/deploy/update, see my cloudformation/
View Stack Log
aws cloudformation list-stacks \ | jq -M '.StackSummaries[0].StackId' \ | xargs aws cloudformation describe-stack-events --stack-name
List Stacks
List only the created stacks
aws cloudformation list-stacks \ --stack-status-filter CREATE_IN_PROGRESS CREATE_COMPLETE
Stack Outputs
aws cloudformation describe-stacks \ --stack-name $StackName \ | jq '.Stacks[].Outputs[]'
Get the value of a single output:
aws cloudformation describe-stacks \ --stack-name $StackName \ --query "Stacks[0].Outputs[?OutputKey=='$OutputKey'].OutputValue" \ --output text
Get Stack Parameters
Get all parameters used to create a particular stack:
aws cloudformation describe-stacks \ --stack-name $StackName \ | jq '.Stacks[].Parameters[]'
Get the value of a single parameter:
aws cloudformation describe-stacks \ --stack-name $StackName \ --query "Stacks[0].Parameters[?ParameterKey=='$Parameter'].ParameterValue" \ --output text
Get value of the exported field with name $ExportName
aws cloudformation list-exports \ --query "Exports[?Name=='$ExportName'].Value" \ --output text
List exports that start with a string:
aws cloudformation list-exports \ --query "Exports[?starts_with(Name, 'foo-')].[Name, Value]" \ --output text
Spec Files
URLs are documented here.
Delete All Alarms
alarms=$(aws cloudwatch describe-alarms \ | jq -r '.MetricAlarms[].AlarmName') for alarm in $alarms; do aws cloudwatch delete-alarms \ --alarm-names $alarm; done
Create Alarm Targeting ASG policy
aws cloudwatch put-metric-alarm \ --alarm-name AddCapacity \ --metric-name CPUUtilization \ --namespace AWS/EC2 \ --statistic Average \ --period 120 \ --threshold 80 \ --comparison-operator GreaterThanOrEqualToThreshold \ --dimensions "Name=AutoScalingGroupName,Value=my-asg" \ --evaluation-periods 2 \ --alarm-actions $ScalingPolicyArn
aws deploy list-deployments \ --application-name $app
aws deploy list-tags-for-resource \ --resource-arn ""
The paper: Dynamo: Amazon’s Highly Available Key-value Store. This describes a distributed database with a leaderless replication model.
From Designing Data-Intensive Applications by Martin Kleppmann:
Dynamo is not available to users outside of Amazon. Confusingly, AWS offers a hosted database product called DynamoDB, which uses a completely different architecture: it is based on single-leader replication.
List Tables
aws dynamodb list-tables | jq '.TableNames[]'
Delete Tables Like a Maniac
AWS allows you to delete have 10 delete-table
operations running at a time.
We can create a pool of 10 processes and continuously pump delete-table
commands into it using xargs
script=$(cat <<"EOF" aws dynamodb delete-table --table-name {} aws dynamodb wait table-not-exists --table-name {} EOF ) echo ${tables[*]} \ | xargs -n 1 -P 10 -I {} sh -c "$scrpt"
TODO: When I originally wrote this, I remember needing to add a tr " " "\n"
or something for portability with Linux. Test this out again.
TODO: script used to be one command (using &&
); test again after splitting
it into two commands.
List AMIs
All of this account's AMIs:
aws ec2 describe-images --owners $Account
All of this account's AMIs with a particular Name tag:
aws ec2 describe-images \ --owners $account \ --filters "Name=tag:Name,Values=My AMI"
Get Latest Image
aws ec2 describe-images \ --owners $Account \ --filters "Name=state,Values=available" \ | jq -r '.Images | sort_by(.CreationDate) | last | .ImageId'
Delete AMIs and EBS Snapshots
List AMIs to delete and set to variable AmisToDelete
. Then:
jq -c '.Images | sort_by(.CreationDate) | .[] | {name: .Name, snap: .BlockDeviceMappings[] | select(.Ebs != null) | .Ebs.SnapshotId}' < $AmisToDelete > images.txt
And then… what did I do?
for i in (cat images.txt | jq); do # deregister image # delete the snapshot done
List Accounts That Can Access AMI
aws ec2 describe-image-attribute \ --image-id $ImageID \ --attribute launchPermission
All AZs in all regions:
for region in $AllRegions; do azs=$(aws --region $region \ ec2 describe-availability-zones \ | jq -c '[.AvailabilityZones[].ZoneName]') printf "$region: $azs\n" done
The Actual AZ
does not mean the same thing in every AWS account. If everyone
creates infra in us-east-1b
, that infra will actually be in several
different AZs, depending on which AZ us-east-1b
maps to for each account.
To determine the real AZ, you need to look at the Zone ID.
Print the Zone Name and Zone ID for each AZ in a region:
aws ec2 describe-availability-zones \ | jq -c '.AvailabilityZones[] | {"Name": .ZoneName, "Id": .ZoneId}'
EC2 KeyPairs
aws ec2 create-key-pair --key-name $KeyName
Copy private key to ~/.ssh
KeyName=$(echo $KeyPair | jq -r '.KeyName') KeyFile=~/.ssh/$dir/$KeyName echo $KeyPair | jq -r '.KeyMaterial' > $KeyFile chmod 0600 $KeyFile echo $KeyFile
aws ec2 describe-key-pairs | jq '.KeyPairs[]'
aws ec2 delete-key-pair --key-name $KeyName
EC2 Instances
Get Running Instances
aws ec2 describe-instances \ --query "Reservations[].Instances[?"running"]"
Get All Instance Tags
aws ec2 describe-instances \ | jq -c '.Reservations[] | .Instances[] | .Tags[]'
Get Instances with Tag Key
With just a specific Tag key, disregarding value:
aws ec2 describe-instances \ --filter "Name=tag-key," \ | jq '.Reservations[].Instances[]'
Get Instances with Tag Key/Value
With just a specific Tag key:
aws ec2 describe-instances \ --filter "Name=tag:$TagName,Values=$TagValue" \ | jq -r '.Reservations[].Instances[].Tags[] | select(.Key == "Name") | .Value'
With a specific tag key and value
EC2 Transit Gateway
List Routes in a TG Route Table
aws --profile shared-services --region us-east-1 \ ec2 search-transit-gateway-routes \ --transit-gateway-route-table-id $TGWRouteTableId \ --filters "Name=type,Values=propagated" \ | jq -r '.Routes[].DestinationCidrBlock'
aws ec2 describe-vpcs | jq '.Vpcs[]'
The names of VPCs that have a Name
aws ec2 describe-vpcs \ --filters Name=tag-key,Values=Name \ | jq -r '.Vpcs[].Tags[] | select(.Key == "Name") | .Value'
aws ec2 describe-subnets | jq '.Subnets'
aws ec2 describe-security-groups \ | jq '.SecurityGroups'
Private ALB IPs
aws ec2 describe-network-interfaces \ | jq -r '.NetworkInterfaces[] | select(.Attachment.InstanceOwnerId == "amazon-elb") | .PrivateIpAddress'
Managed Prefix Lists
aws ec2 describe-managed-prefix-lists \ | jq '.PrefixLists[]'
#+header :var PrefixListID=""
aws ec2 get-managed-prefix-list-entries \ --prefix-list-id $PrefixListID \ | jq '.Entries[]'
EC2 Volumes
List Volumes
aws ec2 describe-volumes \ --filters Name=tag-key,Values=$Tag \ | jq -r '.Volumes[].VolumeId'
List Unattached Volumes
aws ec2 describe-volumes \ --filters Name=status,Values=available \ | jq -r '.Volumes[].VolumeId'
Delete Volumes
for volume in $Volumes; do aws ec2 delete-volume --volume-id $volume done
Log in
TODO: $account
doesn't work (newline)
ecr=$account.dkr.ecr.$ pw=$(aws ecr get-login-password) docker login \ --username AWS \ --password "$pw" \ "https://$ecr"
Create Repository
aws ecr create-repository \ --repository-name $repoName \ --tags "Key=Foo,Value=True"
Add Image
Tag image for ECR:
ecr=$account.dkr.ecr.$ docker tag \ $image:$tag \ $ecr/$name:$tag
Push it:
ecr=$account.dkr.ecr.$ docker push \ $ecr/$name:$tag
aws ecr describe-registry
aws ecr describe-repositories \ --registry-id "<id>"
The ARN is like arn:aws:ecr:us-east-1:<account-num>:repository/<repo-name>
aws ecr list-tags-for-resource \ --resource-arn "$arn"
Fix a CloudFormation deployment where an ECS service fails to stabilize. Taken from this AWS blog post. Just updates the number of ECS service tasks to 0.
aws ecs update-service \ --cluster $cluster \ --service $service \ --desired-count 0
aws ecs list-clusters \ | jq '.clusterArns[]'
aws ecs describe-clusters \ --clusters $cluster \ | jq '.clusters[]'
aws ecs describe-services \ --cluster $cluster \ --services $service \ | jq '.services[]'
aws ecs describe-task-definition \ --task-definition $task \ | jq '.taskDefinition.containerDefinitions[]'
aws ecs describe-services \ --cluster $cluster \ --services $service \ | jq -r '.services[].taskSets[].id'
aws ecs describe-task-sets \ --cluster $cluster \ --service $service \ --task-sets $task_set \ | jq '.taskSets[]'
List Clusters
aws eks list-clusters | jq '.clusters[]'
Get Kube Config
KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/ironnet_clusters/$CLUSTER_NAME aws eks update-kubeconfig \ --name $CLUSTER_NAME \ --kubeconfig $KUBECONFIG
List CacheClusters
aws elasticache describe-cache-clusters \ --show-cache-node-info \ | jq '.CacheClusters'
List ReplicationGroups
aws elasticache describe-replication-groups | jq '.ReplicationGroups'
Config Options for Nampespace
aws elasticbeanstalk describe-configuration-options \ | jq '.Options[] | if .Namespace == "aws:autoscaling:launchconfiguration" then . else null end'
Describe ALBs
aws elbv2 describe-load-balancers \ | jq '.LoadBalancers[] | select(.Type == "application")'
Get DNS Name
aws elbv2 describe-load-balancers \ | jq -r --arg DEPLOYMENT_NAME "$DEPLOYMENT_NAME" \ '.LoadBalancers[] | select(.Type == "application") | select(.LoadBalancerName | startswith($DEPLOYMENT_NAME)) | .DNSName'
GlobalAccelerator is only in us-west-2
, so set the region explicitly.
List Accelerators
aws --region us-west-2 \ globalaccelerator list-accelerators \ | jq '.Accelerators[]'
List Listeners
aws --region us-west-2 \ globalaccelerator list-listeners \ --accelerator-arn $AcceleratorArn
aws --region us-west-2 \ globalaccelerator list-accelerators \ | jq -r '.Accelerators[].IpSets[].IpAddresses[]'
Create Policy
aws iam create-policy \ --policy-name $PolicyName \ --policy-document '{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [{ "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "secretsmanager:GetSecretValue", "secretsmanager:DescribeSecret" ], "Resource": [ "arn:*:secretsmanager:*:*:secret:MySecret" ] }] }'
Describe Policy
aws iam get-policy --policy-arn $arn
Assume Role
aws sts assume-role \ --role-session-name foo \ --role-arn $RoleArn
List Instance Profiles
aws iam list-instance-profiles \ | jq '.InstanceProfiles[].InstanceProfileName'
Delete Instance Profile
aws iam delete-instance-profile \ --instance-profile-name $Name
Kinesis Firehose
Describe Stream
aws firehose describe-delivery-stream \ --delivery-stream-name $StreamName \ | jq '.DeliveryStreamDescription'
Update Stream S3 Destination Bucket
aws firehose update-destination \ --delivery-stream-name $StreamName \ --current-delivery-stream-version-id 1 \ --destination-id destinationId-000000000001 \ --extended-s3-destination-update \ BucketARN=arn:aws:s3:::$BucketName
- Update the Stream's IAM policy to allow it to write to the new location
- Update the S3 Bucket Policy to allow the Stream's IAM Role to write to it
Update Stream S3 Destination Prefix
aws firehose update-destination \ --delivery-stream-name $StreamName \ --current-delivery-stream-version-id 1 \ --destination-id destinationId-000000000001 \ --extended-s3-destination-update Prefix=$Prefix
Also may need to update the IAM Policy and the S3 Bucket policy, as above.
Invoke function
aws lambda invoke \ --cli-binary-format raw-in-base64-out \ --function-name cf-Hello-World \ /tmp/cats.json
Invoke from a bastion host:
/usr/local/bin/aws lambda invoke \ --cli-binary-format raw-in-base64-out \ --function-name cf-Hello-World \ /tmp/cats.json
cat /tmp/out.json | jq -r '.body' | jq
With payload file:
aws lambda invoke \ --cli-binary-format raw-in-base64-out \ --function-name hello-world \ --payload file://tests/resources/event_alb.json \ /tmp/out.json
Create Function with Zip File
aws lambda create-function \ --function-name artifacttool \ --runtime python2.7 \ --role $RoleArn \ --handler lambda_function.lambda_handler \ --zip-file fileb://$ZipFileName
Update Function code with Zip File
aws lambda update-function-code \ --function-name artifacttool \ --zip-file fileb://$ZipFileName
Container Image: Run Interactively
docker run -it --rm \ --entrypoint bash \
aws organizations list-roots \ | jq -r '.Roots[].Id'
aws polly synthesize-speech \ --engine standard \ --output-format mp3 \ --voice-id Amy \ --text "All these cats wear hats." \ /tmp/speech_standard.mp3 \ && afplay /tmp/speech_standard.mp3
Reosurce Access Manager (RAM)
This needs to be run against the AWS account that actually owns the shared resources. E.g. in a LandingZone environment, probably the shared-services account.
aws ram list-resources --resource-owner SELF
aws rds describe-db-instances \ --db-instance-identifier "$db_name" \ | jq '.DBInstances[]'
Run this command to apply pending maintenance:
aws rds modify-db-instance \ --db-instance-identifier "$db_name" \ --apply-immediately
aws rds describe-db-engine-versions \ --engine "postgres" \ --filters 'Key=status,Values=deprecated'
pending maintenance actions for a DB
aws rds describe-pending-maintenance-actions \ | jq '.PendingMaintenanceActions[] | select(.ResourceIdentifier=="$DB_ARN")'
aws rds create-db-snapshot \ --db-snapshot-identifier "$snap_id" \ --db-instance-identifier work-number-dev
Check whether a snapshot exists yet:
aws rds describe-db-snapshots \ --db-snapshot-identifier "$snap_id" \ --db-instance-identifier "$db_name" \ | jq '.DBSnapshots[].OriginalSnapshotCreateTime'
aws rds create-db-parameter-group \ --db-parameter-group-name "cclark-test" \ --db-parameter-group-family "postgres11" \ --description "cclark test group"
aws rds modify-db-parameter-group \ --db-parameter-group-name "cclark-test" \ --parameters "ParameterName='max_slot_wal_keep_size',ParameterValue=4000,ApplyMethod=immediate"
aws rds describe-db-parameters \ --db-parameter-group-name "cclark-test" \ | jq '.Parameters[] | select(.ParameterName | contains("wal_"))'
Get HostedZoneId from domain name
aws route53 list-hosted-zones \ | jq -r --arg name $hostedZoneName \ '.HostedZones[] | select(.Name == $name + ".") | select(.Config.PrivateZone == false) | .Id'
List Records for a HostedZone
aws route53 list-resource-record-sets \ --hosted-zone-id $hostedZoneId \ | jq '.ResourceRecordSets[]'
List Secrets
aws secretsmanager list-secrets \ | jq -r '.SecretList[].Name'
aws secretsmanager list-secrets \ --filters 'Key=name,Values=foo/bar' \ | jq -r '.SecretList[].Name'
Get Secret
aws secretsmanager get-secret-value \ --secret-id $SecretName \ | jq -r '.SecretString'
Create Secret
aws secretsmanager create-secret \ --name $SecretName \ --secret-string $SecretValue
Get Product IDs
aws --profile main servicecatalog search-products-as-admin
Launch Product
Note that user, even Admin user, must be added to the Portfolio users/groups.
You can do this with aws servicecatalog associate-principal-with-portfolio
Service Quotas
Get all service quotas
aws service-quotas list-service-quotas \ --service-code rds \ | jq -c '.Quotas[] | {Value, QuotaName}'
Get one quota
aws service-quotas list-service-quotas \ --service-code rds \ | jq '.Quotas[] | select(.QuotaName == "Parameter groups")'
Get default quota
Is this actually different from the above? What makes this default?
aws service-quotas get-aws-default-service-quota \ --service-code firehose \ --quota-code "L-14BB0BE7" \ | jq '.Quota'
Canonical ID
aws s3api get-bucket-acl --bucket $BucketName
List buckets that start with the name $prefix
aws s3api list-buckets \ | jq -r --arg prefix $prefix \ '.Buckets[] | select(.Name | startswith($prefix)).Name'
Create Bucket
aws s3api create-bucket \ --bucket $BUCKET_NAME \ --create-bucket-configuration LocationConstraint=$AWS_DEFAULT_REGION
List Objects
All objects
aws s3api list-objects-v2 \ --bucket $BucketName \ | jq '.Contents[]'
10 most recent objects. AWS has no way of doing this filtering server-side, so you need to request all objects and then sort them.
aws s3api list-objects-v2 \ --bucket $BucketName \ | jq -r '.Contents | sort_by(.LastModified) | reverse | first | .Key'
Get object
aws s3api get-object \ --bucket $BucketName \ --key $Key ./foo
Get multiple objects
mkdir -p ~/Downloads/foo aws s3 cp \ --recursive \ s3://$BucketName/ \ ~/Downloads/foo/
Get Bucket Policy
aws s3api get-bucket-policy --bucket $BucketName \ | jq -r '.Policy' | jq
Clear and delete buckets
To clear a bucket, I have functions for this in dotfiles/
List Queues
aws sqs list-queues \ | jq '.QueueUrls[]'
Read Message
aws sqs receive-message \ --queue-url "$q_url" \ --attribute-names All \ --message-attribute-names All \ --max-number-of-messages 2
Send Message
aws sqs send-message \ --queue-url "$q_url" \ --message-body '{"Message": "{\"foo\":\"bar\"}"}'
aws ssm get-parameter \ --with-decryption \ --name $name
Identity Store (SSO)
AWS SSO was renamed to AWS Identity Store.
These API operations correspond to the
aws identitystore
commands. IAM Idenetity Center Portal API Reference
These API operations correspond to the
aws sso
Register client
This command does not require AWS credentials. You only need a region.
aws --region us-east-1 sso-oidc register-client \ --client-name foo \ --client-type public
Returns an object like:
{ "clientId": "abc1234", "clientSecret": "a JSON Web Token", "clientIdIssuedAt": 1659099242, "clientSecretExpiresAt": 1666875242 }
aws sso login
token_file=~/.aws/sso/cache/$token_name.json cat $token_file | jq -r '.accessToken'
List my accounts
aws --region us-east-1 sso list-accounts \ --access-token $token
aws --region us-east-1 sso list-account-roles \ --access-token $token \ --account-id $account
Get credentials
The jq can be improved. See:
creds=$(aws --region us-east-1 sso get-role-credentials \ --role-name $role \ --account-id $account \ --access-token $token) access_key=$(echo $creds | jq '.roleCredentials.accessKeyId') secret_key=$(echo $creds | jq '.roleCredentials.secretAccessKey') access_token=$(echo $creds | jq '.roleCredentials.sessionToken') echo "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=$access_key" echo "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=$secret_key" echo "AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=$access_token" echo "AWS_REGION=us-east-1" echo "AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-east-1"